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The Last Post (until the new ones)

Way back in 2013 something happened in my life – the end of happenings in a friend’s – that shut down my Interdoodlings. Having just fired ’em all back up again, I found the draft of this post and thunk about what I was going on about. It turns...

Slash, kill, rape, torture…

… it’s all just normal stuff. The TV listings showed… yay!… Luther’s back. So reading through the blurb on the BBC site for what we would be letting ourselves in for, why was it that my heart sank? Because the first line said,...

Catholics eh?

It’s the frocks… Pope Francis has admitted to the existence of a ‘gay cabal’ in the Vatican. Pardon my advanced human thinking, but when I read that I laughed so hard I got a snot bubble. Ha! I just looked at it again and the same thing...

Women eh?

… they just can’t take a joke. When one reaches ‘a certain age’, it starts to dawn on one that one’s fellow travellers on this blue dot haven’t progressed quite as much as one had expected – especially back when one was in...

“Swift and concrete answers please… “

The European commission’s vice-president, Viviane Reding, has sent a letter with seven detailed questions to the US attorney general, Eric Holder Jr, demanding explanations about Prism and other American data snooping programmes. Here are the seven questions....

Droning on and on…

I’m trying to love you all, really I am. There’s a website I love to bits called Consume Consume. It consists of nothing but hundreds of strange, quirky, funny and invariably moving, photographs. The images are all captivating, but the thing that really...