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I’m trying to love you all, really I am.

consume consumeThere’s a website I love to bits called Consume Consume. It consists of nothing but hundreds of strange, quirky, funny and invariably moving, photographs. The images are all captivating, but the thing that really sets the tone of the site is the strap line at the top: I LOVE YOU ALL. EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF YOU.

There may well be cynics among you who assume that the owner/author is merely one of you: gathering and displaying the daftness of the human condition, loving the fact that you’re all easy meat for his or her superior intelligence.

But not me. The reason I love Consume Consume to bits is that I truly believe it is an honest celebration of all that goes to make up this world of ours.

I only wish that I could share the sentiment.

But I can’t, because I am constantly faced with the idiocy of what passes for civilised, intelligent, sensitive human beings. In fact I swear that 99% of the human race would have difficulty in opposing it’s own thumbs, let alone an argument from Nigel Farage.

The current piece of news that has smacked my gob is that, following the stunning bit of whistle blowing by Edward Snowden, a snap poll showed that the majority of Americans seem to think it’s a Good Thing that the US government is using the Prism system to spy on them. I know, I know, we already view the middle part of America with some suspicion, given the largely held view that there is a god, and that he is At Their Side. And I suppose letting them get away with that has become one of the many elephants in the global room, but this is ridiculous.

I know I’ll be accused of making a spurious connection, but it’s my blog and all that…

One of the elephants in the global room during the 1930s was, “Surely the entire German population can’t really be going along with what that mad bastard Hitler is saying?” In fact, it seems to me that that particular elephant hasn’t gone away, it’s just managed to hide itself behind the aspidistra of history. That is, the German people have taken on the burden of guilt on behalf of the nasty Nazis, but neither they nor the international community ever seems to have gotten to grips with the fact that everyone did go along with what the mad bastard Hitler was saying.

And yes, the connection would be spurious (and ridiculous) if I went on to say that the entire German nation was evil, and therefore the same applies to the US population.

No, what I’m saying is that most people are more stupid than a box of hammers. And lazy: they really can’t be bothered to think through the ramifications of their received populist politics, preferring to apply their reasoning skills to what talentless brain-dead excuse for an artist should win The Voice, share that ‘knowledge’ with everybody in the entire universe on Facebook… including the NSA, FBI, CIA, GCHQ and probably MOSSAD.

For some time now a number of people with even more intelligence than me have been pointing out that, “If something on the internet is free, YOU are the product.” And it turns out that not only are you a product, you are a drone (as in the phrase constantly on every bloody politician’s lips, ‘Hard-working families’: the implication being that if you’re not part of a family and don’t work hard, “… we’re not including YOU in our plans for a better society”). Actually, you don’t even have to work hard at all: just share your life with the powers that be and they’ll do all the controlling for you.

Still, it’s not as if anything will change, so I may as well watch as Mr Snowden is slowly consumed by the US government and the global media, while wondering if I’ll get any ‘Likes’ for this on Facebook.

Here’s somebody funnier than me saying much the same thing. Please share.

Oh, and a quick mini-rant for all you EU-bashers out there: consider how your national government would react to the USA’s treatment of the rest of the world if it were ‘going it alone’. Now consider how the EU Commission actually reacted.

Compare and contrast.