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The Fat Air Traffic Controller

The Fat Air Traffic Controller

Brussels (inevitably) in a tail-spin Can’t wait to see how this pans out in the UK national press: the European Commission is about to unleash its ire by legally challenging member states for not implementing a significant change to air traffic control....

Euro Septics

Been away for a while – about which I’ll write under another heading – but I’ve been dragged back, a-seething and a-cursing, on account of the crap oozing out of the British press about the European Union. If no one else but a couple of my...

Fifty Shades of Grey. Again.

Having lived most of my life in London, I’d come to the realisation early on that the one aspect I hated most was the weather. This would be of no surprise to most of its citizens, or any of its visitors (apart from those lucky enough to be there during the...

Brusselology: Part the First (of many)

A tale of two cities In case you’re expecting a feather-spitting rant about the Evil Empire – wrong place dude. This is just the opening salve/salvo about the iniquities and iquities of living in the capital of Belgium Land. Otherwise known as the City of...