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Cedar Audio

Cedar Audio

Cedar Audio The world’s leading specialist in professional and forensic noise reduction. Corporate ID Brochures Advertising Exhibition...


Cadence OK – how many of you know that the world’s greatest hi-fi loudspeakers come from India? Yup, that’s what I thought when they called and asked me to go and check them out… and consider taking on the marketing, advertising, set-up...
Bowers & Wilkins

Bowers & Wilkins

Bowers & Wilkins My first client (as Ambience), Bowers & Wilkins was and is the largest audio company in the UK. Exhibition design (including a jungle, a soundscape – Divide by Ten – and the usual techie stuff – see images) Brochure design...
Divide by Ten

Divide by Ten

DIVIDE BY TEN My last musical project, as commissioned by Bowers & Wilkins for the 2004 Bristol Hi-Fi Show. Having designed a number of exhibition spaces for them (the first being a full-on jungle), they asked me to fill-in for a lesser soul who had come up blank...